Welcome to the end of term newsletter.

Please read on for a few updates and future plans for the nursery.

Ofsted report

We had our Ofsted inspection on the 17th of October, 2018. We think you will be very proud of the nursery when you read this report. We are very grateful to every parent because we cannot do all that we do without your support. Thank you.  Please click here read the report. We were given just one recommendation by Ofsted – to encourage children’s independence. Please let’s work in partnership to ensure our children try to do everything first before we do it for them.

Staff in, Staff out

We will say goodbye to Ms Neha at the end of this term as she moves on to further her career in a primary school. She will be dearly missed. We say a big welcome to Ms Zenabu who will be working with the toddlers, Mr Chicco who is our new chef and Ms Iman who will be working part-time with us in the evenings. You will get to meet them as you come to the nursery. These are their pictures.




New Menu

For weeks, we have been trying our new menu, which now has more nutritious and delicious food, thanks to our new chef.  However, we are incurring more cost. From the 7th of January, 2019, there will a minimal increase in the lunch cost from £2 to £2.50. This only applies to children who are receiving the Early years funding. A copy of the new menu will be made available to you.

Lunch Payment

We have noticed that some parents have not been paying for lunch. From next term, if payments are not received on Monday, the child will not be given lunch for the week. We are sorry for having to make this decision but it has become pertinent.

Money raised for BBC Children in Need

Thank you to all parents who donated money for the BBC Children in Need.  We raised £43.54 which has been sent to the charity. A certificate will be sent to us and this will be displayed in the foyer.

Issues raised in the Questionnaires

A few issues were raised in the questionnaires filled by parents and below are highlights of how these will be resolved:

  • Every Friday, a feedback sheet will be given on what your child has done, eaten and felt during the week. However, this will not stop giving you a verbal feedback on request.
  • We cannot interrupt children’s engagement at anytime, so if you are in a hurry to pick your child, please make a phone call requesting we get them ready for pick-up.
  • We have Parent’s Evening once a term and updates about your child’s development are uploaded on to Tapestry, but if you require more information about your child, please do not hesitate to ask for an appointment with your child’s key person or send an email to [email protected]. The email will be forwarded to your child’s key person.

If there are any other issues you need addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Parents’ workshop

We will be having our first parents’ workshop on the 19th of January which is the third Saturday in January. Questions like: What does the Early Years Foundation Stage entail? How am I supposed to support my child’s development at home? What is required of me as a parent of a child in the nursery? What is my child really up to in the nursery? All these questions and more will be answered. It is going to be an interactive session. We are looking forward to your attendance to make this a success. Thank you.

Parental involvements

We are taking this opportunity to invite parents to get involved in the nursery. You can come in to read a book to us, teach us a skill, show us something cultural. You can come in for a few hours in a day or a few days in a week – whichever suits you. Please feel free to come. Speak to a member of staff.

Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party is on Thursday the 20th of December. Children are required to wear their red Christmas jumper and Santa’s hat to present their song. We look forward to seeing you. The last day for the term is 21st of December and we resume on 7th of January, 2019.

Thank you for your continued support and we take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year in advance.