We hope you are having a good weekend or holiday if you are away.
Just a few things we want to remind you…
In one of our previous end-of-year newsletters, we informed parents that CCTVs had been installed in the nursery school. We apologise to new parents who missed out on the information. We have CCTVs installed in and around the nursery ONLY for children’s and staff’s safeguarding.
So you know, we are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) who regulate the processing of personal information and advise on the use of cameras. Please be assured that the footages are not shared or viewed by third parties but will only be made available to the authorities if needed. The data are periodically deleted and destroyed.
Please note that children’s privacy are by no means infringed upon. The regulatory body Ofsted requires that we keep children safe in the setting. We believe that having the CCTV is a means of protecting our children, combined with all staff being trained to safeguard the children. Kindly note that we are unable to give parents access because of GDPR. Stickers have now been placed on both doors stating that CCTVs are in operation. We will also regularly remind parents.
If you have any queries at all, please speak to Sherry or the manager or email [email protected].
At registration, parents were informed that we have 3 inset days in the year for staff training. Over the years, we have tried to hold these training on Saturdays, in the process incurring more cost.
This year, because of the COVID-19, it was difficult to arrange the trainings for Saturdays as usual. We are having it on the 10th of August 2021.
We understand the difficulty childcare may pose during these days, but our desire is to serve you well and staff need continuous professional development to support your children better. This training is on Makaton, which has been researched to support children’s communication.
As promised, we gave a long notice to parents but moving forward, we will send out a timetable of every event beginning of term (although some things may be beyond our control). All the registration documents which include the terms and conditions will be emailed to parents in place of hard copies for easy reference.
The Early Years Foundation Statutory framework which is the bible for all early years providers have been updated. This will bring about some changes to our practice. You will be given all the updates in the next newsletter as we try to navigate, understand and implement them properly.
We always seek to improve our practice. Please if you have any concerns, suggestions or requests, we would appreciate if you speak to us directly. You can also email [email protected]. It will help us support the children you have put in our care better.
We thank you for your continuous support.