Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter. We are three months away until the end of 2023! Wow, time just seems to fly by.
Firstly, we hope everyone is keeping well in some sort of way; with the increase in the cost of living, we know everyone is feeling the pinch. If there is anything we can do to give you some respite, even something very little, please let us know.
As we resume on the 4th of September, here are a few things we would like you to note:
Entrance moving back to the front of the nursery
During COVID, we changed the drop-off and pick-up point to the garden door. We are moving back to the original nursery entrance because the garden door is a fire exit. Also, it gives you a chance to read the notices and sign in your children in and out properly. It will also give you a chance to say a proper good bye by assisting your children put their belongings in their lockers and giving them a kiss.
Extra curricular
Daisies (babies): we will continue to go for soft play every other Wednesday at the Streatham Leisure Centre. The children really enjoy it and it is very beneficial for their fine and gross motor skills as well as overall development. We will also continue with our Music and Movement sessions on alternate Wednesdays. This will help with language development and social skills. Overall, it is about having fun.
Lilies (toddlers): we will also continue with our Music and Movements every Wednesday facilitated by Caterpillar Music Company. Toddlers who are able can join in the football sessions.
Daffodils (Preschoolers): we will continue to have French lessons every Tuesday, as well as football lessons on Wednesdays. We will confirm this in the coming weeks.
Going to the library: we take all children to the library at Pollards Hill regularly
Cooking activities: we have cooking activities every Friday.
Local visits in the community: we take the children to the park, Lidl, train station, conservatory area, shops etc.
We are trying to enrich our children’s experience and knowledge so that they develop more holistically. As they say, learning is done not only in the classroom.
Weather is changing
As Summer is drawing to an end, could you please provide appropriate clothing for your children. Please ensure that they have adequate spare clothes and socks, clearly labelled. Unfortunately, we are running very low on spare clothing.
Parent Questionnaire
This will still be sent to you digitally. Please spare a few minutes to fill them so we can continue to serve you and your children adequately. Also, if you have any ideas or concerns, please feel free to share with us either through Tapestry or via email. We always seek to improve our practice.
Home learning
We have been sending the home learning bags. These are activities parents should endeavour to do with the children. The aim is for parents to have an insight into how their children learn and what learning stages they are. It is supposed to be fun and children are not to be forced. We send the bags home on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure that the bags are returned so some other activities can be sent home.
Invoicing and payments
For verification purposes, please use your child’s name as a payment reference for easy identification. Also, henceforth, lunch will be pre-paid monthly for children who are using government funding. There has been a lot of issues with missed payments and non-payments. Invoices would be sent for lunch, fees and all other services. Please do not make payments through the invoicing system (Sum-up). Payments should be made directly into the nursery’s bank account. Any queries regarding finance should be sent to [email protected]. Ms Diana will handle them.
The menu for the Autumn term will be sent out at the end of October. We are a nuts-free nursery and will continue to try our hardest to reduce sugary contents in our foods.
Fee Review
There has been a slight adjustment to our fees effective from the 4th of September 2023. This has been uploaded onto Tapestry. If you require a paper copy, please let us know. Please change your direct debit amounts and fees paid through the Government’s child tax-free accounts.
Your appreciation
We are very grateful when you appreciate our efforts. This means a lot to us. Please note that the support your child gets is a team effort and it’s not just one member of staff.
Dates for your diary
Nursery Resumption: Monday, 4th September 2023
Half Term Break: Monday, 23rd October to Friday to 3rd November 2023
Last day of Term for ALL Children: Thursday, 21st December 2023
Nursery Resumption (full time): Tuesday, 2nd January 2024
Nursery Resumption (funded): 8th January 2024
Things we have lined up
- Harvest Collection: we will start to collect non-perishable food and donations from 25th September, 2023
- Trip to the food bank: 4th October, 2023
- Trip to the Zoo: Date to be confirmed
- Halloween Party: 20th October, 2023
- Christmas celebration: 13th December, 2023
Correspondence & Communication
Other events and dates will be communicated to you via Tapestry. Please endeavour to log into the tapestry account regularly as this is our primary means of communicating with you.
We want to take the time to thank you for your support.
If you have any questions, please speak to us or email us at [email protected].